Enrichment Curriculum
Enrichment Curriculum
As a Trust, we understand that academic success alone is not enough and that pupils need a progressive enrichment curriculum as well as an ambitious academic one.
Our Enrichment Curriculum is built on our Four Cornerstones, which are central to our shared vision for all our pupils.
The Four Cornerstones
The Four Cornerstones are: Academic Aspiration, Culture, Creativity & Rhetoric, Competition & Physical Endeavour and Leadership & Service.
The Cornerstones embody the ethos that permeates the culture within Laurus Primary Schools. They provide a framework for our enrichment curriculum which is designed to develop cultural and social capital by providing opportunities for all pupils that they may not otherwise have.
Examples of our Enrichment Curriculum include Pupil Parliament, Forest School, Educational Visits and Extra-Curricular Clubs.

Academic Aspiration
All pupils, regardless of background and circumstance, make outstanding progress and achieve results which will open the door to the future of their choice.
Culture, Creativity & Rhetoric
Appreciating that great writing gives us access to ideas which challenge our thinking; that the power of language gives us the opportunity to make our voice heard and present our own ideas with courage, conviction and impact; that the Arts open up worlds which we might not otherwise inhabit.
Competition & Physical Endeavour
Physical activity and competition, both inside and outside of school, is vital to the holistic development of young people, fostering their physical, social and emotional health.
Leadership & Service
Valuing individuality, celebrating diversity and encouraging our pupils to have the confidence to think for themselves, whilst emphasising the importance of teamwork, service to the community and collective responsibility.
Curriculum Statement
Academic Curriculum
Personal Development