Year 1

Autumn Term in Year 1 

During Autumn term in Year 1, we will read a variety of inspirational texts where we will explore the character traits of kindness, citizenship, integrity, curiosity, bravery, and gratitude. In our first text, we will explore the tale of Gingerbread Baby. We will share our ideas on how the characters in the story did or did not, show kindness and integrity. We will explore streets over time in History, looking at their similarities and differences.

Next, we will immerse ourselves in the magical story of My Pet Star who is thankfully shown great kindness by strangers. In Geography, we will explore our local area through developing our sense of place and developing our map reading skills. We will embark on an exciting adventure to the South Pole in the book Lost and Found, where we will utilise our curiosity to help the penguin return to his home.

In RE we will continue to develop our knowledge on the teachings and beliefs of a range of different religions and look at how this is represented in society across Great Britain. We will talk about what it means to belong to a faith community. To top it all off we will celebrate Black History Month and Rosh Hashanah, as well as giving a Christmas performance!

It is going to be a busy and thoroughly enjoyable term!






Important information:

  • PE kits will be kept in school and returned at the end of each half term.
  • Please make sure your child’s book bag containing their reading books, reading record is brought into school every day.
  • Reading books will be changed weekly
  • Please continue to sign your child’s reading record book daily
  • Home Learning will include daily reading, weekly spellings, and a maths or SPAG task each week.
  • Your Child’s class teacher will be available every day before and after school to receive messages, celebrate successes and answer any questions.


As always, there will be lots of learning and exciting activities going on in Year 1 this term. Please speak to our admin team for access to the Y1 Instagram feed @wps_year1

Meet the team:

Miss Hayes – Class Teacher

Mrs Romagnoli – Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Welsh – Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Bradshaw – Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Kellett – Learning Support Assistant