
Welcome to Reception

Meet the team:

Mrs Stevenson – Class Teacher

Mrs Rigg – Learning Support Assistant

Mrs Booth – Learning Support Assistant

Miss Valenta – Learning Support Assistant


Summer Term 

Our theme this term is Growth.  We will be sharing fiction and non-fiction texts exploring personal growth and resilience. We will think about how can we grow as a person emotionally, personally and socially.

We will be exploring the theme across a range of areas and inspired by our Summer Bookshelf which is filled with exciting, high-quality texts.


Summer Learning at a glance: 

Reading and Comprehension

Developing fluency with blending through individual, choral, partner and echo reading.

Making predictions

Demonstrating understanding


Letter formation

Spell words by identifying the sounds and then writing the sound with letter/s.

Writing for different purposes: experiential, invitations,

Developing storytelling and writing using Tales Toolkit


Numbers to 20

Addition and Subtraction

Sharing and grouping

Spatial Reasoning

Properties of shapes

Consolidation of key skills

Understanding the World

Focussed observation of Summer

Exploring the natural world and Habitats

Celebration of similarities and differences in our local community

Understanding festivals & special times celebrated: Eid al-Fitr & Eid-al-Adha

Life in this country and life in other countries

Comparing and contrasting environments

Expressive Arts and Design

Art Project Focus – Eric Joyner- Robots and Doughnuts

DT– Design, Make and Evaluate a Bog Baby Habitat


Important Information

  • Home Learning Grids will be uploaded to Tapestry on the first week of term.
  • PE will take place every Monday although this may be subject to change so, please ensure your child always has their named PE kit in school.
  • Forest School will be on a Friday.
  • Your book bag containing your reading books and reading log should be bought to school each day. We remove the Reading record and book each Thursday. Then return the record with a comment and issue a new book and any new red words on a Friday.
  • Their library book days are: Monday – Citius, Tuesday – Magnus, Wednesday – Altius, Friday – Fortius. Please ensure their library book is in their book bag to be changed on their house team’s day.
  • We would encourage you to read with your child every day to develop their love for reading.
  • Mrs Stevenson will be available every day before and after school to talk about any concerns, receive messages and celebrate successes.

We will continue to use our X account @WoodfordRec.