
Our Curriculum and the way in which we deliver it, instils a passion for learning in all our pupils and equips them for successful lives beyond our gates. We consider Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of our pupils to be a priority.

Simply put, our Curriculum is intended to teach children the essential knowledge they need in all subject areas and to equip them for successful lives beyond our walls, opening doors to the future of their choice – whatever that may be!

Our curriculum is inspired by our Curriculum Bookshelf filled with exciting, high-quality texts. Our bookshelves follow the themes of Identity, Hope, Growth, Belonging, Courage, Heroism, Creativity and Curiosity which are explored and revisited to deepen pupil understanding at different stages of their primary education.

Year 1 have been busy learning about pirates recently and have been focusing on their bookshelf text ‘The Night Pirates’ and have sequenced the story in English lessons. The children have been on a treasure hunt, dressed up as pirates and have created their own maps!