We’ve had an absolutely fantastic first year at Woodford Primary School (WPS)!

Since officially opening our doors for the very first time in September, we have had so many memorable moments with our first cohort of Pre-School and Reception pupils.

We have achieved so much, both academically and personally, and we have had a lot of fun along the way.

As we say goodbye for now, we would like to share some of the highlights from the Summer Term with you.


Reception explore Lower Moss Wood

At the start of the Summer Term, Reception enjoyed a trip to Lower Moss Wood.

They had a wonderful day exploring the nature reserve and learning fascinating facts about the wildlife.

Woodford Primary School pupils from Reception explore next to a pond in Lower Moss Wood

While walking around, they listened to and sang bird song, made water ripple underground, marvelled at a redwood tree, found empty duck eggs and dipped nets in pods to discover what lives there!

Woodford Primary School pupils from Reception listen to a story at Lower Moss Wood

The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and we hope to go again in the future!


Royal Celebrations

We had a fantastic time celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III in May.

Across the school, pupils decorated biscuits, and made crowns and flags.

Woodford Primary School pupils celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. They sit around a table for a celebratory lunch and sit in thrones wearing homemade crowns and holding homemade flags.

We enjoyed a delicious celebration lunch as we all sat proudly wearing our crowns!

The children even had their own procession where they waved ribbons and took turns sitting on a throne!

Delightful Class Assemblies

Every academic year at WPS, each class performs a short Class Assembly to parents/carers sharing what they have been learning about in school.

Reception pupils were first to deliver their Class Assembly, and what a wonderful example they set!

Woodford Primary School pupils from Reception deliver their first ever class assembly

The children spoke with confidence and sang with enthusiasm as they walked us through their learning.

They made their class teachers incredibly proud and showed everyone how hard they have worked over the past year.

A huge thank you to everyone who came to support the children, they loved showing you all their work!


Soaring to new heights with Avro Heritage Museum

We’re very lucky to have Avro Heritage Museum just a short walk away from our school.

This term, the children were able to do some hands-on learning with them!

In May, Pre-School had a wonderful visit from Avro Heritage Museum.

Woodford Primary School pupils from Pre-School try on aviation hats and listen to inspiring stories with Avro Heritage Museum

The children enjoyed examining the objects brought in, trying on aviation hats and listening to stories.

They were especially inspired after hearing stories of courageous people and animals which linked to their summer theme of Courage.

Later on in the year, Reception had the chance to spend a day at the museum.

Woodford Primary School pupils from Reception stand in front of a plane at Avro Heritage Museum

They got to sit in the cockpits of old planes and found out so many interesting facts about aviation!

Thank you to all the volunteers from Avro Heritage Museum for inspiring our pupils!

Pre-School go to Reddish Vale Farm

Pre-School had a fabulous time at Reddish Vale Farm!

They spent the day learning all about the animals on the farm and even got to hold and feed some of them!

Woodford Primary School pupils from Pre-School feed different animals at Reddish Vale Farm

After a picnic lunch they also had time to explore the play area.

The children were superstars and had a great day!


Forest School and Kitchen Garden

Thanks to lots of kind donations from our community, this term we saw the launch of our Forest School!

Pupils were very eager to get stuck into Forest School sessions and it has been a pleasure to see them having fun exploring the environment.

The children have been finding and identifying different insects, building dens, making mud ‘potions’ and exploring the outdoors.

Woodford Primary School pupils from Pre-School enjoy learning in Forest School sessions, making mud pies and soups, and playing in the long grass.
Woodford Primary School pupils from Reception enjoy learning in Forest School sessions, holding up plant pots and inspecting insects. As well as exploring, pupils have been planting their own seeds and developing their gardening skills!

We were thrilled when Redrow kindly donated a class growing kit to our school.

Woodford Primary School pupils hold gardening tools donated by Redrow.

Pupils were so excited to receive donations of new gardening equipment! Photo via: https://www.redrow.co.uk/news-and-inspiration/news/north-west-north-wales/woodford-children-get-set-to-grow

The kit is full of all the things we need to create our own kitchen garden, from bamboo plant pots and watering cans to a host of rainbow vegetable seeds!

This donation came at the perfect time as our Forest School continued to develop.

Since getting the kit, pupils have been planting their own produce including carrots, lettuces, and courgettes!

Woodford Primary School Reception pupils enjoy hot chocolate after replanting seeds during a Forest School session.

Reception enjoyed some well-earned hot chocolates and biscuits after replanting seeds in a soggy Forest School session before the end of term.

We’re looking forward to seeing what will grow!

Fun at our first ever Sports Day

We had an amazing time at our first ever sports day!

Everyone cheered the children on as they competed in a range of events to see which House could get the most points.

Woodford Primary School pupils enjoy their first ever Sports Day.

Despite the weather, all pupils powered through and showed great sportsmanship and determination.

A huge well done to Altius and Fortius who were crowned this year’s Sports Day Champions!

Thank you to the PE staff and students from Hazel Grove High School who helped out, and to the PTA for the delicious ice lollies afterwards!

A successful first ever PTA Summer Fair

We were blown away by the amount of support we received at our first ever PTA Summer Fair.

The fair was a huge success with all sorts of fun activities on offer for children and families to get involved in.

Families enjoy themselves with inflatables facepainting hook a duck and stalls at the first ever Woodford Primary School PTA Summer Fair

It was great to see so many of you there, and even many of our new pupils and members of the local community!

We would not have been able to do this without our dedicated volunteers who all worked tirelessly to make the fair such a success.

Thanks to your efforts, we raised a staggering £3000!

We look forward to more PTA events next year!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole WPS community for making our first academic year such a success.

Thank you to the parents, carers and families who have come and supported us at events throughout the year.

Thanks to our PTA for your amazing work this year and for organising many fantastic events.

Thank you to all of our teaching and support staff for your endless passion and commitment, going above and beyond to do whatever it takes.

And finally, thank you to our amazing pupils for doing your best each and every day, it has been so special to see you all grow and learn over the past 12 months.

We cannot wait to do it all over again next year!

From all of us at Woodford Primary School, we would like to wish you and your families a wonderful summer!